Massage Therapy Erie PA
Did you know that massage therapy is an excellent complement to chiropractic care? Both Dr. Maybee and Dr. Coursen frequently recommend massage to their patients as it helps to loosen the muscles. “A lot of times a patient’s pain is coming from chronic tightness that they’ve had for years,” says Dr. Coursen.
A Tranquil Atmosphere
With salt lamps that promote relaxation and better breathing, and soothing music playing, you’ll know you’ve come to the right place to experience healing relief. We also feature an essential oils diffuser to foster relaxation. We put various oils in it, depending on a patient’s condition. For example, we can use eucalyptus and peppermint to open up the breathing passageways.
Some Benefits of Massage
While massage feels great, there are many other benefits associated with it:
- Relieves pain
- Decreases anxiety and depression
- Promotes blood flow
- Cleanses the lymphatic system (which boosts the immune system)
- Diminishes tension and stress
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the length of the massage sessions?
We offer both half-hour and hour-long sessions.
It depends on your condition. Dr. Coursen often recommends that patients get a course of four treatments or suggests them coming in once a month.
I’ve been in an auto accident. Would I benefit from massage?
Yes; we typically recommend a course of massage for the damaged soft tissue.
Do you see workers’ compensation cases?
Yes; if you’ve had a workers’ compensation injury, massage is recommended. Your therapist will try to help you heal as quickly as possible so you can return to work.
Does insurance cover massage therapy?
It depends on the plan you have. Certain insurance plans cover massage but not all. If you find that massage therapy is covered by your insurance plan, we are happy to bill your insurance company for you.
Want to Learn More?
Experience for yourself the therapeutic benefits of massage. Contact Neck & Back Center of Erie today to book an appointment!